- Stellenanzeige Nr. 384819 | letzte Aktualisierung: 15.09.2024 / 13:59 Uhr

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Zur Position
 [Referenznr. DN-05]
The radiology department in the Central Region Denmark offers positions for specialist doctors in radiology.
The Radiology Department has facilities at The Regional Hospital Viborg and at The Regional Hospital Skive. The department performs yearly more than 112,000 X-rays and scans, such as:
conventional X-ray, mammography, angiography, ultrasound, CT and MR scanning and interventions (biopsy, drainage, stent installations, etc.) and about 10,000 mamma screening. The department uses the X-ray information system (RIS), digital storage of image diagnostic surveys (PACS) and digital dictation.
Radiology Department Viborg
The department in Viborg is the largest department in the region with all study and treatment types and with full emergency cover (24/7). We employ the highest number of radiologists in the region, and we are a training center for future radiology specialists, radiographers and X-ray nurses. We offer modern facilities for the imaging diagnostic (radiological) department with predominantly flat-panel conventional X-ray, all round solid-state, angiography / intervention, 4 ultrasound scanners, 3 multi-slice CT scanners and 2 1.5 T MR scanners.
Mammography (Viborg)
The mammography unit together with the Mamma Surgery Outpatient Department, form one physical unit, the breast clinic located in Viborg on the same floor as X-ray and Scanning Viborg. There is a close collaboration between radiologists, surgeons, oncologists and pathologists around patients referring to suspicion of breast cancer.
Hospitalsenheden Midt
Under the name Hospital Centre, the Regional Hospitals Viborg, Silkeborg, Skive and Hammel Neuro Center were assembled in 2011 in one organization with joint hospital management.
The four regional hospitals in the hospital unit employ together approx. 4,300 employees and annually treat more than 372,000 outpatients and more than 45,000 inpatients.
Specialist title in radiology with broad experience with CT, MRI, ultrasound, etc.
Availability to complete the Danish course (B2 Level)
Motivation for living and working in Denmark

We offer:
Permanent contract after three-month trial period.
Salary starting from 7000 gross per month or 90 000 per year, pension
included. Duties, if there will be, will be paid apart.
Training courses within working hours.
Help to find: apartment, school and kindergarten.
Invitation to study tour to Denmark after a first interview, to learn more about the
region and the work environment.
Assistance with removal and relocation costs.
Intensive Danish course, also for the family.
Remuneration during the Danish course of 700 monthly net, a supplement for
children of 70 monthly net, free apartment and travel costs for the family.
A great opportunity to grow professionally.
Good and deeply committed colleagues with different professional backgrounds.
Working in informal work environment.
Good working conditions; Six weeks paid holiday. 37-hour working week.
All our services are free of charge for the candidates.
Wir bieten
Gewünschte Qualifikationen

Medizin/Pharma/Sozialwesen --Arzt/Ärztin
Gesundheits-/ Sozialwesen
Einsatzort (Freitext)
Einsatzort (Region)
Kontakt für Bewerber

To Apply:
Please send your CV mentioning reference DN-05 at
Tel.: +44 20 8144 2822
Contact person: Vitaly Pryadka



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